
If you're using SaaS tools to manage support, sales, marketing, revenue and other business functions you know your data is constantly changing. To keep your dashboards up to date, Meltano provides Orchestration using Apache Airflow.

When a new pipeline schedule is created using the UI or CLI, a DAG is automatically created in Airflow as well, which represents "a collection of all the tasks you want to run, organized in a way that reflects their relationships and dependencies".

Airflow is automatically installed when the Meltano UI is launched for the first time, and automatically runs in the background while Meltano UI is running.

Installing Airflow

If you're not using Meltano UI, you'll need to install Airflow manually:

Change directories so that you are inside your Meltano project, and then run the following command to make Airflow available to use via meltano invoke

meltano add orchestrator airflow

Now you have Airflow installed, let's create a simple example schedule to confirm everything is working correctly.

Create a Schedule

To regularly schedule your ELT to run, use the "Pipeline" interface in the UI, or the following command:



meltano schedule carbon__sqlite tap-carbon-intensity target-sqlite @daily

Now that you've scheduled your first DAG, you can load the "Pipeline" page in the UI and see it show up. You can also refresh the "Orchestrate" page and see your DAG show up in the Airflow interface.

Using Airflow directly

You are free to interact with Airflow directly through the "Orchestrate" page in the Meltano UI.

By default, you'll only see Meltano's pipeline DAGs here, which are created automatically using the dynamic DAG generator included with every Meltano project, located at orchestrate/dags/meltano.py.

You can use the bundled Airflow with custom DAGs by putting them inside the orchestrate/dags directory, where they'll be picked up by Airflow automatically. To learn more, check out the Apache Airflow documentation.

Meltano's use of Airflow will be unaffected by other usage of Airflow as long as orchestrate/dags/meltano.py remains untouched and pipelines are managed through the dedicated interface.

Other things you can do with Airflow

Currently, meltano invoke gives you raw access to the underlying plugin after any configuration hooks.

View 'meltano' dags:

meltano invoke airflow list_dags

Manually trigger a task to run:

meltano invoke airflow run --raw meltano extract_load $(date -I)

Start the Airflow UI, if you're not already running Meltano UI: (will start in a separate browser)

meltano invoke airflow webserver -D

Start the Airflow scheduler, enabling background job processing if you're not already running Meltano UI:

meltano invoke airflow scheduler -D

Trigger a dag run:

meltano invoke airflow trigger_dag meltano

Airflow is a full-featured orchestrator that has a lot of features that are currently outside of Meltano's scope. As we are improving this integration, Meltano will facade more of these feature to create a seamless experience using this orchestrator. Please refer to the Airflow documentation for more in-depth knowledge about Airflow.

Last Updated: 11/8/2019, 11:30:40 AM